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Whangarei Sights
Whangarei, Mangawhai, Hikurangi, Waipu, Ruakaka, Kaikohe
Photo courtesy of Mangawhai Museum

The Museum is a typical early settler museum with items from pioneer families and an emphasis on shipping and gum digging. The museum also houses a photograph collection on display.
Location: Moir St, Mangawhai Village, Mangawhai.
Price: by donation.
Hours: 10.30am-1pm Sat.

Photo courtesy of Trip Advisor
Mangawhai Heads consists of a narrow spit of white sand which stretches for kilometres to form the harbour's south head which is also home to a seabird sanctuary. The beach has good facilities and is popular with surfers, sunbathers, swimmers and boogy boarders. There are life-saving services available in summer and during school holidays. The beach is safe to swim at.
Location: 5km's North East of Mangawhai.
Price: free
Hours: 24

The Matakohe Pioneer Church, built in 1867, was the first non-denominational church built at Matakohe. The building is made of kauri and was also used as a school & community building. The building has been completely restored and moved from its former site in the Matakohe Cemetery to where it is now.
Location: 5 Church Rd, Matakohe.
Price: free
Hours: 10-4pm dailly.
Photo courtesy of c0l0gne1, panaramio

The Waipu Museum displays the migration, between 1853 and 1860, of the original 934 British settlers who came from Scotland via Nova Scotia (Canada). The displays consist of a short film, holograms and interactive displays.
​Location: 36, the centre, Waipu.
Price: Adults $8, Seniors & Students $6, Child $3.​
Hours: 10am-4pm Tues-Sat | 10am-4pm Sun-Mon.

​MATAPOURI BAY - 36km's from Whangarei
Matapouri Bay is a picturesque beach situated 2km's South of Woolleys Bay, it has a good residential base which provides a good number of beach users during the summer months. The bay is safe for swimming and is popular for sunbathing, swimming and strolling. The beach has few facilities; kiosk, toilets and parking. There is no lifesaving service available.

​Location: 36km's Nth east of whangarei, 2km's South of Woolleys Bay.
Hours: 24
Price: free​
Photo courtesy of Surf Lifesaving NZ

Photo courtesy of James George
Pou are wooden posts that mark territorial boundaries or places of significance. They are generally elaborately carved and can be found throughout the country. The Pou which line the entrance way to the Whangarei Central Library consist of 10 carvings, 5 of which were carved by and represent Maori, four have been carved by and represent other cultural groups while one represents all cultures.
Location: Rust Avenue, Whangarei.
Hours: 24
Price: free
​OCEAN BEACH - 37km's Sth East of Whangarei
Ocean Beach is a popular beach in the summer months. The beach draws a good crowd and is popular for a variety of activities. There are few facilities; parking, toilets. The beach has lifesaving services available in summer and school holidays.
Location: 37km's Sth East of Whangarei, just north of Bream Head.
Price: free
Hours: 24


Photo courtesy of Surf Lifesaving NZ

Photo courtesy of Surf Lifesaving NZ
​LANGS BEACH - 14.1km's Nth of Mangawhai
Langs Beach is a popular beach with locals during the summer months. The beach is partially exposed allowing for a good swimming area except on northerly high wind days.
The beach has limited facilities; parking, toilets, childs playground.
There are no lifesaving services available.

​Location: southern end of Bream Bay, 44 kilometres south east of Whangarei.
Hours: 24
Price: free​

Photo courtesy of Surf Lifesaving NZ
PATAUA BEACH - 28km's East of Whangarei
Pataua Beach is a gold sand beach with few facilities; kiosk, parking, toilets, and a camping ground near the beach. The beach can be quite treacherous since its location near the harbour mouth, best to catch it on a quite day. There are no lifesaving services available.

Location: 28km's east of Whangarei.
Hours: 24
Price: free.

Photo courtesy of Surf Lifesaving NZ
RUAKAKA BEACH - 23km's Sth East of Whangarei

Ruakaka Beach is a popular beach for swimming, surfing and fishing.
The beach has good facilities; parking, toilets, kids playground, surf club, shops and motor camp. The beach has lifesaving services during the summer months and school holidays.
Location: 23km's South East of Whangarei.
Hours: 24 hours
Price: free​

Photo courtesy of Larissa Patrick, PInterest
MERMAID POOLS - Matapouri Bay
The mermaid pools in Matapouri Bay offer delightfully clear water swimming holes situated ocean side. Warmed by the sun the pools offer the opportunity to enjoy a spa-like experience with ocean views.
Location: Matapouri Bay, Tutukaka Coast.
Price: free
Hours: 24

Photo courtesy of Surf Lifesaving NZ
​SANDY BAY - 38km's Nth East of Whangarei
Sandy Bay is a popular beach for surfing, it is uncommon for the beach to waveless. There is no Lifeguarding Service, users are recommended to take care.
The stream mouths joining with the bay can cause strong rips.

​Location: 38km's Nth East of Whangarei
Hours: 24
Price: free​