NEW REGENT STREET - Christchurch
The small street on the tram route was designed in the Spanish Mission Style (Architect Francis Willis - 1932). It was one of few big construction projects in the South Island during the Great Depression period. It’s a place to find cafes and specialist shops. Many of the premises on New Regent Street were earthquake victims. After reconstruction New Regent Street reopened on April 20, 2013.
​Location: Between Gloucester & Armagh Streets, Christchurch.
Price: free​
Hours: 24.
Photo courtesy of Roger T Wong - Flickr

The focus of this museum is on restoration and presentation of working history with steam and diesel trains running in the village setting
Location: Maronan Road, Tinwald, Ashburton 8300
Price: Family $20, Adult $8, Child $3, Pre School free.
Hours: 11am till 4pm.
Photo courtesy of www.nzmuseums.co.nz

The Ashburton Aviatio Museum delivers a mixture of civil and military aircraft on display including a DH Devon, Harvard, Yeoman Cropmaster and Vampire Jet. Worth a look.
Location: Ashburton Airfield, Fairton, Ashburton.
Price: free
Hours: 1pm till 3pm daily.
Photo courtesy of www.redcat.co.nz

Photo courtesy of kaarvea, Panoramio
A pedestrian bridge linking Cambridge and Oxford Terraces - the Bridge of Remembrance opened in November 1924 dedicated to the memory of those who took part in the 1914-18 war. The design by Prouse and Gummer was chosen from 24 entries. The arch is a typical triumphal arch derived from Roman precedents, but Gummer gave the form a light and graceful interpretation. The arch has British lions on the smaller flanking arches over the footpaths. The sculptor was Frederick Gurnsey. The bridge and its surroundings have become a focus for the commemoration of service in several wars and of individual war heroes.
The inscription beneath the arches, from Shakespeare's Ophelia--"There's Rosemary, that's for remembrance"- adds poignancy to this official monument.
​Location: Cashel Street, Christchurch.
Price: free​
Hours: 24.
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The Christchurch Hospital Nurses' Memorial Chapel built during 1927 and 1928 commemorates nurses who died in the Great War and in the 1918 influenza epidemic. The architect of the interdenominational chapel was John Goddard Collins who designed the Sign of the Takahe. The Chapel is the only one in the world of its type. Opening hours are regular but limited.
Location: Riccarton Ave, Christchurch.
Hours: Visit the site for opening hours.
Price: free, donations accepted.
Photo courtesy of adriennerewiimagines.blogspot.com

A distinctive Christchurch building notable for its deep red colour and decorated doorway leading directly on to the street.. The first stage was built as a house in 1864. Architect Samuel Hurst Seager owned the Red House from 1899 to 1907 and designed some additions. It is now a creative studio.

Location: 25 Armagh Street, Christchurch.
Hours: 24
Price: free.
Photo courtesy of purupusschch.blogspot.com

The museum has collections which record the natural and cultural history of the district. There is a model of the Rangitata Diversion Race a key factor in the region's economy. The race which involves a powerstation at Highbank runs 66 kilometres across the district irrigating many farms. It was started in 1936 as a depression work scheme. See the photo of Bob Semple the first Labour government's Minister of Works who is usually depicted driving a bulldozer.
​Location: Baring Square East, Ashburton.
Price: free​.
Hours: 10 till 4pm daily.
Photo courtesy ofwww.nzmuseums.co.nz

The Ashburton Art Gallery is an exciting and innovative regional public art gallery and a source of pride to the local community. The Gallery aims to present a varied, thought provoking and innovative programme of locally, nationally and internationally sourced exhibitions.
Location: Baring Square East, Ashburton.
Hours: 10am till 4pm 7 days, 10am till 7pm Thursdays.
Price: free, exhibits may charge
Photo courtesy of christchurchartgallery.org.nz


The Ellerslie International Flower Show showcases a variety of designs and styles of New Zealands gardeners and designers. The flower show is regarded as New Zealand's premier garden event. Visit the site for more information and show times.
Location: Hagley Park, Christchurch.
Hours: Visit the site for details.
Price: Visit the site for details.
Photo courtesy of rokssana.wordpress.com

​A & P SHOW - Riccarton, Christchurch
The A & P Show delivers a fun day out for the family within a fair-like surrounding. The Canterbury A&P Show is held at Canterbury Agricultural Park, a purpose-built facility located in the south-west of the centre of Christchurch.
Location: Canterbury Agricultural Park, Riccarton, Christchurch.
Price: free
Hours: Visit the site for information.
Photo courtesy of www.egmontshowgrounds.org.nz

This elegant garden with its English formality, its woodland and watergardens is thoroughly worth a visit. There is also a chapel whose interior features native New Zealand timbers. Admission charge.
​Location: 371 Racecourse Rd, Ashburton.
Price: free​
Hours: September to May Mon to Sat 9am to 4pm (Sundays by appt).
Photo courtesy of www.trotts.co.nz
Mid Canterbury Sights
Christchurch, Ashburston, Lincoln
Rolleston, Darfield, Leston, Methven, Akaroa