TARARUA WIND FARM - Manawatu Gorge edge
Tararua Wind Farm is situated on the southwestern edge of the Manawatu gorge, which is about a 40 minute drive from Palmerston North. The Wind Farm is the largest wind farm in the southern hemisphere. If you sight it from Hall Block Rd you'll get really good views of the turbines.
Location: Southwest edge of Manawatu Gorge, Information centre will supply directions
Price: free
Hours: 24

Photo courtesy of GNS Science LLoyd Homer
The wind farm consists of 55 separate turbines which, at full capacity, can generate 1.65MW each. Worth a look, can take up a few hours and is nice on a sunny day.
Location: Saddle Rd, Ashhurst
Price: free
Hours: 24

Photo courtesy of myfathersworld
There are a few beaches to enjoy in the Manawatu region which are popular with families and surfers alike, below are just a few:
Foxton Beach: Consists of a small community, the majority of which are holiday homes and contains a bird sanctuary at the Manawatu estuary. Foxton beach has hard sand and is popular with families and body/surfers.
Here you'll find good facilities and lifeguarding services.
Himatangi Beach: The closest beach to Palmerston North, Himatangi Beach is home to Palmerston Norths Surf Life Saving Club, very popular with Manawatu Residents. The beach has a toilet and kiosk.
Waitarere Beach: The beach is located 15km's north of Levin, A slow sloping beach Waitarere is popular with families and surfers alike.
Here you'll find a food & beverage kiosk and changing facilities.

THE SQUARE - Palmerston North
The Square consists of seventeen acres housing a clock tower, duck pond, Maori carvings, statues and trees of all kinds. Enjoy the day, soaking up the sunshine whilst eating lunch on the well groomed lawns.
Location: Palmerston North City Centre, Palmerston North
Price: free
Hours: 24

- Palmerston North
The rose gardens are located in the Victoria Esplanade, alongside the Manawatu River and are the site of New Zealand’s rose trials. Here you'll find varieties of roses bred specifically for their performance.
In 2003 the garden was judged the worlds finest by the World Federation of Rose Societies.
Location: Victoria Esplanade, Palmerston North
Hours: 24
Price: free
Web: http://www.nzroses.org.nz/dugald-mackenzie-rose-garden/

Photo courtesy of Maggy Wassilieff
A rural museum, Colyton Clocks is located in a 130 year old church which is home to the largest collection of clocks and time pieces in the Southern Hemisphere.
Here you'll find over 2,900 clocks from all over the world, including Britain, Germany, USA and France.
Location: 385 Colyton Rd, Colyton.
Hours: Saturday & Sunday from 10am-4pm and alternative times by arrangement.
Price: A small admission fee applies.

Photo courtesy of Marika Hill stuff.co.nz
At the Fielding Sale Yard you'll learn the fascinating history of selling livestock, one of New Zealands oldest traditions which dates back to the 1880's.
Very much a part of the Fielding & Manawatu district generating large amounts of trade you can witness the auction process and view the latest technology used today.
Sales are twice weekly and process on average 15,000 sheep and 1,400 cattle.
Location: 10 Manchester Square, Feilding
Price: $10 per person, bookings essential - Ph: (06) 323 3318
Hours: 11am every Friday

Photo courtesy of Manawatu NZ
At the end of every week, Friday, artisan food producers sell their locally grown produce and value products to the pubic.
Here you'll find an authentic farmers' market selling all manner of goods from fresh fruit and vegetables, breads, wine, meats, eggs to freshly baked goods, plants and shrubs, soaps, soup, chocolate, fudge, liquors and chutneys and more.
Location: Manchester Square, Fielding.
Price: free
Hours: 9am till 2pm

The Manawatu Gorge runs between the Tararua and Ruahine Ranges, linking the Manawatu and Hawke's Bay regions. The Track passes through a unique landscape of steep greywacke ranges covered in native vegetation. Here you'll enjoy native bush, scenic views and wildlife.
There are five viewpoints along the way that give spectacular views of the river, railway, road, nearby windfarms and reserve.
The Upper Gorge Bridge track gives an alternative route to State Highway 3, this track takes an average of 2 hrs to complete. You'll need to organise transport as this track finishes at a different place to the start, unless your happy to walk back.
Location: Manawatu Gorge.
Web: http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/manawatu-whanganui/manawatu/manawatu-gorge-track/

Photo courtesy of Destination Manawatu
-Palmerston North
Te Manawa is an Art Gallery, Museum and Science Centre. Here you'll find a collaboration of exhibitions from local and national artists.
The museum houses a collection of about 55,000 items to display the region’s heritage, history and culture.
Price: Free
Hours: 10am - 4pm
Location: 326 Main Street, Palmerston North

Photo courtesy of Te Manawa Museum
- Palmerston North
Located in the centre of the North City Square you'll find the clock tower which was built in the 1950s.
The tower looks its best at night when illuminated by a range of colours.
Its initial size when donated by Arthur Hopwood was 26.5 metres but additional refurbishments completed in 2007 with the addition of a cross to the top brought the height up to 30.5 metres.
Location: Palmerston North Square, Palmerston North
Hours: 24
Price: free
Web: http://digitallibrary.palmerstonnorth.com/awweb/awarchive?item=4608&type=meta

Photo courtesy of Palmerston North City Council
Consisting of 39 acres of groomed gardens, nature walks and parkland the Victoria Esplanade is home to well over 5,000 rose bushes of all colours, massive trees and a variety of bird life. Within the aviaries you'll experience colossal bird life and enjoy the opportunity of getting up close to native varieties.
The esplanade also consists of a miniature railway, established in 1969, which is a 2.2k loop track housing two stations enabling you to view a good portion of the parks circumference and get around a little bit quicker.
The Victoria Esplanade with its gardens and stylish cafe is a beautiful example of horticulture that must be viewed.
Location: Next to Fitzherbert Park and Manawaroa Park
Price: free
Web: http://www.pncc.govt.nz/leisure/activities/sightseeingandpicnics/victoria-esplanade-gardens,-palmerston-north/

Photo courtesy of Paul Vandenberg
Palmerston North - the Manawatu’s key centre - has a proud innovative and diverse atmosphere.
Palmerston North is home to more than 70 research and educational institutions, some of these include an international rugby academy, Massey University and the national rugby museum.
Māori legend tells that the Manawatu river received its name from an explorer named Hau who had travelled down the coast from Taranaki, while chasing his run-away wife, Wairaka, and her lover.
Due to the size of the river and the effect it had on him and his inability to cross it he named it Manawatu - ‘heart standing still’.
Feilding is the Manawatu's busy agricultural town and home to the southern hemisphere’s largest working stock saleyard. The Feilding Livestock Centre presents an authentic New Zealand rural experience where you'll gain a unique insight into the tradition of livestock auctions and the history of New Zealand farming.
The Manawatu’s expansive plains and extensive rivers provide an abundance of adventure thrills. These include white water rafting, bush walking and the highest tandem bridge swing.
Mokai Gravity Canyon also offers adrenalin-charged activities on the Rangitikei river, some of these include the North Island's highest bungy, New Zealand’s most extreme flying fox which sits 175m and reaches speeds of 160kph, and a 50m free-falling bridge swing.
Manawatu, is renowned for its garden festivals, showcasing beautiful gardens and one of the world’s top five rose gardens.
"The Manawatu’s expansive plains and extensive rivers provide an abundance of adventure thrills."
Manawatu Sights
Palmerston Nth, Pahiatua, Dannevirke, Fielding, Foxton, Levin, Marton, Bulls, Otaki