KAPITI ISLAND - Wilderness escapes
​The west coast immediately north of Wellington is known for its spectacular sea views, glorious sunsets and untouched wilderness environments.​
​Offshore is Kapiti Island, a marine and wildlife sanctuary where you can enjoy the antics of many unusual birds.​
There’s a lodge on the island for overnight stays – the dawns are amazing.
Location: Off the Kapiti Coast
Price: free - tours may cost.​

SHOPPING - Kapiti Coast
Visit the community shops in Paraparaumu, Paekakariki or Waikanae for furniture, brand labels and all day shopping.
There are many small, cute shops if your prepared to look that have delightful products and clothing for sale, as well as coffee shops for that much needed break.
​If its the major brands your after you can't go wrong checking out the mall in Paraparaumu.
Web: http://communities.co.nz/kapiticoast/d_Shopping.cfm?Scope=District&WPid=254&dirCatid=RT

The Paekakariki Hill lookout gives great views of the Kapiti Coast.
The best time to make the walk up to the lookout is on a sunny day, preferably warm, this way you'll be able to enjoy the walk and take in the fantastic view.
Location: Top of Paekakariki Hill, just off state highway 1, turn left after the BP station or you can come from Pauatahanui which is off state highway 58 from Paramata.

One of the best​ ways to view the Kapiti Coast is by air.
By air you'll get the best view of the coastline and townships as well as the panorama with kapiti Island.
Visit the local information Centre for service providers, there are a few to choose from. Prices range from $100 to $1000.

​​​There are a few beaches to enjoy in the Wellington regionwhich are popular with families and surfers alike, below are just a few:
Paraparaumu Beach: Is situated to the west of paraparaumu township. An attractive beach, paraparaumu beach consists of a waterpark, good facilities, kiosk and coffee shops.​

Pekapeka Beach: The first beach in the Wellington region to be recognised for skinny-dipping use, Pekapeka beach is a slow incline and suitable for swimming in waves up to one metre. There are reasonable facilities and shops but no life saving services available.

Raumati Beach: A popular beach for swimming and surfing, Raumati beach offers a slow incline, good facilities and life saving services.
Very popular in the summer months for swimming and surfing.

Waikanae Beach: An expansive beach, waikanae beach connects with Paraparaumu beach and looks out on Kapiti Island.
A slow inclined beach with light coloured sand and reasonable facilities; kiosk, toilets and shops.

Popular for picnics and barbeques, Queen Elizabeth Park has plenty of space to enjoy swimming, fishing, walking, cycling, horseriding, picnics or group activities. The park consists of 650 hectares of easy terrain edged by a sandy beach, and is steeped in history.
A lovely place to visit on a sunny summers day, enjoy the scenery, swim at the beach nearby and enjoy a picnic lunch or barbeque.

Location: Just past Paekakariki township on state highway 1, turn left just over the train tracks​.

TARARUA RANGES​​ - Otaki Gorge

The Tararua Ranges run parallel with the east coast forming a ridge between East Cape and Wellington. Otaki Forks is the main western entrance to the Tararua Forest Park, ideal for tramping, walking and hunting, the Tararuas are a great way to see New Zealand scenery and enjoy the native wildlife.
​There are a number of short tracks into the gorge, giving access for picnicking, swimming, fishing and watersports, if your a hardened tramper you might like to try your hand at a day or overnight tramp, DOC accommodation is available (sheds with the basics).
Location: Turn-off from State Highway 1 is at Otaki Gorge Road, just south of the State Highway 1 bridge over the Otaki River. The last 5 km of the Otaki Gorge Road is unsealed, narrow and windy.​
Web: http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-visit/wairarapa/wairarapa/tararua-forest-park/
Photo courtesy of Department of Conservation
Kapiti Coast Sights
Paraparaumu, Waikanae, Raumati, Paekakariki
Rob Suisted
The ​​Kapiti Coast, situated in the North Island of New Zealand is an area of beautiful sunsets, sea vistas that allude the eye, untouched native forest and dramatic landscapes, all just a step away from Wellington.
Just an hours drive from the Capital you'll enter area of warmer climate and relax in the refreshing atmosphere of the Kapiti Coast. A relaxed feeling envoked by the sight of Kapiti Island, dramatic hillscapes and beaches that stretch along the coast.
Popular with Wellingtonians for its arts & crafts, Kapiti Coast is home to the Kapiti Island nature and marine reserves and hosts a wide rang of activities ranging from superb shopping to exhilarating outdoor adventures, all of which is enhanced by the warmer climate offered during summer.
Of the things on offer in the Kapiti Coast a few mentionables are New Zealand's top golf course, a world class car museum, easily accessible nature reserves and art & crafts of a high standard. The Kapiti Coast offers something for everyone.
Whether its a day trip, weekend away, or a stopover en route, the Kapiti region is a viable option for the travelling visitor.
"Kapiti Coast is home to the Kapiti Island nature and marine reserves and hosts a wide rang of activities"
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